From intense colour ranges in Basics, to the soft and sophisticated shades in Affinity, Trikeenan’s dynamic pallet of colours brings excitement to each product line. To view a selected colour or to find out product family details you can click on the thumbnail image shown below in our gallery.
Note: Colours shown are for illustrative purposes only. Due to the many models of monitors, devices, and browsers, tiles may appear different in person. Please contact your local dealer to order actual colour samples.
*Custom Colour Policy:
Developing a custom colour requires skill and vast knowledge of ceramic materials. Custom colour requests will be considered based on a minimum order of 250 square feet. Trikeenan requires that a development fee of $300 be paid for custom colour matching and testing – up to 3 attempts. Additionally, a 25% up charge will be applied to any product ordered that is not regularly offered in our product lines, i.e. custom developed colours or standard colours run on a custom tile body.
**BYB Bronze S1 (P)**BYB Bronze S1 (P)
** Bronze is a Metallic Glaze Suggested for Interior Applications Only (special care and periodic resealing is required). P=Premium Glaze (Special Pricing)

Aff: AhabAff: Ahab
A deep ocean blue with a hint of green

Aff: Almond MilkAff: Almond Milk
A soft, warm white with a subtle glistening effect

Aff: AnchorAff: Anchor
A glossy slate blue

Aff: BallastAff: Ballast
A cool gray white, clean with a hint of color

Aff: BarleyAff: Barley
A warm beige in a soft matte finish

Aff: BittersweetAff: Bittersweet
A warm brown, like tile coated in melted chocolate
Finish: High Gloss

Aff: Blue JayAff: Blue Jay
A calm, serene blue, reminiscent of a warm summer’s day

Aff: ButtermilkAff: Buttermilk
A warm, buttery white

Aff: ChameleonAff: Chameleon
A soft and sophisticated yellow-green

Aff: Cherry BlossomAff: Cherry Blossom
A soft, blushing white

Aff: CitrusAff: Citrus
Almost white with a zest of orange

Aff: CoalAff: Coal
A sensual black with a smooth feel

Aff: CustardAff: Custard
Creamy off-white, a warm and airy addition to any palette
Finish: Gloss

Aff: DaffodilAff: Daffodil
A soft crackle yellow that offers just a hint of warmth

Aff: DianaAff: Diana
A pale blue that frequently spans the skies

Aff: Dusty RoseAff: Dusty Rose
A Subtle pink with warm brown tones

Aff: EllaAff: Ella
A soft blue with subtle specking

Aff: FireflyAff: Firefly
Almost white with a glow of soft yellow

Aff: FossilAff: Fossil
An off-white with texture and depth

Aff: Frosted PineAff: Frosted Pine
A soft mint green that cools any palette

Aff: FrostingAff: Frosting
A true white, easily paired with any color scheme
Finish: High Gloss

Aff: GargoyleAff: Gargoyle
A crystal-like gray, transparent and neutral

Aff: HazeAff: Haze
Almost white with a cloudy purple

Aff: JacobeanAff: Jacobean
A dark rich brown, like stained wood

Aff: LicoriceAff: Licorice
A true black, sophisticated, clean, and always in style
Finish: High Gloss

Aff: LunaAff: Luna
A pale blue-gray like the glow of the moon

Aff: MapleAff: Maple
A warm brown with subtle specking

Aff: MarbleAff: Marble
A classic white, soft and smooth to touch

Aff: MarmaladeAff: Marmalade
A soft yellow brown with subtle specking

Aff: MistAff: Mist
A soft green that washes over the tile

Aff: MocaAff: Moca
A rich earth brown in a soft matte finish

Aff: Molasses Aff: Molasses
A rich dark brown with hints of amber

Aff: PearAff: Pear
A cool light green that offers the fresh feeling of spring

Aff: PebbleAff: Pebble
A shiny gray-beige

Aff: PortobelloAff: Portobello
A warm brown with subtle tan speckling

Aff: Powdered SugarAff: Powdered Sugar
A bold, titanium white with a dry texture

Aff: RiceAff: Rice
A warm off-white with a silky texture

Aff: RosewoodAff: Rosewood
An adobe inspired red in a soft matte finish

Aff: RyeAff: Rye
A neutral taupe that pairs with any palette
Finish: High Gloss

Aff: Sea GlassAff: Sea Glass
A soft teal like the refined pieces of glass weathered by the sea

Aff: Shy GreenAff: Shy Green
A muted transparent green with a subtle crackle

Aff: SmolderAff: Smolder
A green spectrum gray, with the feel of smooth stone
Finish: Matte

Aff: SteamAff: Steam
Subtle, sophisticated gray with a soft blue hue
Finish: High Gloss

Aff: SteelAff: Steel
A dark rich gray breaking into blue

Aff: SucculentAff: Succulent
A transparent green glaze with a hint of blue

Aff: TarragonAff: Tarragon
A soft matte green like the leaves of an herb

Aff: TempestAff: Tempest
A dark, nautical blue like a stormy ocean horizon

Aff: TiramisuAff: Tiramisu
A soft orange brown with subtle specking

Aff: WheatAff: Wheat
A transparent yellow that glows with warmth

Aff: Whip CreamAff: Whip Cream
A cool white, not stark but soft and visually inviting
Finish: Semi-Matte

Art: Crackle WhiteArt: Crackle White
A creamy white that ranges from warm cream to slightly gray with varying degrees of crazing.
Finish: High Gloss

Art: Farmhouse BlendArt: Farmhouse Blend

1 x 1 Fog and Sharkskin
Art: Fog (R5)Art: Fog (R5)
(R5)= Range #5 Glaze (Intense & Unpredictable Variations, Limited Size Availability)
A misty gray that ranges from creamy white to taupe that tends to pool in the center of the tile.
Finish: High Gloss

Art: Goldspot BrownArt: Goldspot Brown
A deep umber brown with flashing golden ocher spotting.
Finish: High Gloss

Art: Honey Bee YellowArt: Honey Bee Yellow
A semi-gloss to high gloss surface ranging from a pale yellow to a rich satin honey color.
Finish: Satin to Glossy

Art: Milk WhiteArt: Milk White
A true white, consistent in texture and color density, occasionally matte, may range from bright to dull.
Finish: Glossy (Slightly Matte Where Glaze Thins)

Art: Neptune's Blue (P) (R5)Art: Neptune's Blue (P) (R5)
(P)= Premium Glaze (Special Pricing) (R5)=Range #5 Glaze (Intense & Unpredictable Variation, Limited Size Availability)
A glossy surface with a grainy quality and an unpredictable range of deep ocean blues and brown umbers that break over edges and/or relief tiles.
Finish: Glossy

Art: Neptune's Treasure BlendArt: Neptune's Treasure Blend

1 x 2 Goldspot and Neptune’s Blue
Art: Parthenon BlendArt: Parthenon Blend

1 x 1 Crackle White and Milk White
Art: Rocky Coast BlendArt: Rocky Coast Blend

1 x 2 Neptune’s Blue and Sharkskin
Art: Shark's Milk BlendArt: Shark's Milk Blend

1 x 1 Milk White and Sharkskin
Art: Sharkskin (R5)Art: Sharkskin (R5)
(R5)= Range #5 Glaze (Intense & Unpredictable Variations, Limited Size Availability)
A gray range with a matte finish, varies from pearl white to a taupe gray, occasional black shadowing.
Finish: Silky Matte

Art: Sheiling Forest (P)Art: Sheiling Forest (P)
P= Premium Glaze (Special Pricing)
A highly variant glaze that ranges from reddish-orange-brown to mossy greens and blues, shows hand dipped lines.
Finish: High Gloss

BYB Apricot (P)BYB Apricot (P)

BYB Arabica (P)BYB Arabica (P)

BYB Aspen (P)BYB Aspen (P)

BYB Au JusBYB Au Jus

BYB Bahama (P)BYB Bahama (P)

BYB Bayou New!BYB Bayou New!

BYB BlackstrapBYB Blackstrap

BYB BlueBYB Blue

BYB Blue Opal (P)BYB Blue Opal (P)

BYB Blue Spruce New!BYB Blue Spruce New!

BYB Candy Red (P)BYB Candy Red (P)
P= Premium Glaze (Special Pricing)

BYB CarmelBYB Carmel

BYB ColdsnapBYB Coldsnap

BYB Colorado New!BYB Colorado New!

BYB DamaskBYB Damask

BYB Diamond Springs (P)BYB Diamond Springs (P)

BYB DriftBYB Drift

BYB Dungaree (P)BYB Dungaree (P)

BYB EclipseBYB Eclipse

BYB Emerald Lagoon (P)BYB Emerald Lagoon (P)

BYB Fawn New!BYB Fawn New!

BYB Fleece New! BYB Fleece New!

BYB FlurryBYB Flurry

BYB Fortnight (P)BYB Fortnight (P)

BYB Grape Jelly (P)BYB Grape Jelly (P)

BYB Great WhiteBYB Great White

BYB Juniper (P)BYB Juniper (P)

BYB Jus WhiteBYB Jus White

BYB JuteBYB Jute

BYB Lemon Chiffon (P)BYB Lemon Chiffon (P)

BYB London New!BYB London New!

BYB MorelBYB Morel

BYB NoirBYB Noir

BYB OnyxBYB Onyx

BYB Orange Cream (P)BYB Orange Cream (P)

BYB Parakeet (P)BYB Parakeet (P)

BYB Peridot (P)BYB Peridot (P)

BYB Persimmon (P)BYB Persimmon (P)

BYB PinotBYB Pinot

BYB RockBYB Rock

BYB Sandstorm (P)BYB Sandstorm (P)

BYB Santa Fe (P)BYB Santa Fe (P)

BYB Shamrock (P)BYB Shamrock (P)

BYB Strawberry (P)BYB Strawberry (P)
P= Premium Glaze (Special Pricing)

BYB Tweed (P)BYB Tweed (P)

C: Absinthe TrailC: Absinthe Trail
An opaque green with a glossy finish

C: Acid GreenC: Acid Green
A transparent green with a satin finish

C: Alaskan DuskC: Alaskan Dusk
An opaque light blue with a gloss finish

C: Atomic TangerineC: Atomic Tangerine
A transparent orange with a satin finish

C: Bombshell BeautyC: Bombshell Beauty
A transparent red with a satin finish

C: Cerulean CascadeC: Cerulean Cascade
An opaque teal blue with a glossy finish

C: Cheeky CobaltC: Cheeky Cobalt
A transparent navy blue with a gloss finish

C: Electric YellowC: Electric Yellow
An opaque bright yellow with a gloss finish

C: Enlighten MintC: Enlighten Mint
A transparent, rich mint in a satin finish

C: Fluorescent OrangeC: Fluorescent Orange
An opaque orange with a gloss finish

C: Jelly Bean GreenC: Jelly Bean Green
A transparent spring green with a satin finish

C: Juicy JadeC: Juicy Jade
An opaque jade green with a gloss finish

C: LadybugC: Ladybug
An opaque red with a gloss finish

C: Marina BlueC: Marina Blue
An opaque denim blue with a gloss finish

C: Space CadetC: Space Cadet
A transparent blue green with a satin finish

C: Trikeenan OrangeC: Trikeenan Orange
An opaque orange with a gloss finish

M: AttacheM: Attache
M: Birch BeerM: Birch Beer
Birch Beer
M: CornsilkM: Cornsilk
M: Cotton StarchM: Cotton Starch
Cotton Starch
M: Dichronic GreyM: Dichronic Grey
Dichronic Grey
M: Egyptian CottonM: Egyptian Cotton
Egyptian Cotton
M: Green RiverM: Green River
Green River
M: GreenwashM: Greenwash
M: Grey BeardM: Grey Beard
Grey Beard
M: Hayden
M: KarlieM: Karlie
M: Kenzie
M: Lily WhiteM: Lily White
Lily White
M: Riptide
M: Shimmer
M: Tobacco
WQ: BelmontWQ: Belmont
WQ: BrentwoodWQ: Brentwood
WQ: CordovaWQ: Cordova
WQ: FeockWQ: Feock
WQ: HavenWQ: Haven
WQ: HighfieldWQ: Highfield
WQ: HillcrestWQ: Hillcrest
WQ: Old RectoryWQ: Old Rectory
Old Rectory
WQ: PorthgwiddenWQ: Porthgwidden
WQ: WoodsideWQ: Woodside